Monday, April 27, 2009

It happened 1 day in Texas!!

Well my friends and followers, it happened to me!! What you ask, well I got skunked at a meeting. That's right, I did the work and so did my coach and we got skunked. No one showed that we invited. So what do I do now....Quit...cry....put my head in the sand??? Heck no, I get up, dust my self off and try again. So many times I have seen people have a meeting and get skunked. Normally it is in there own town, mine was in Texas and I am in Michigan. Between me and my coach we spent $1000 trying to put butts in the seats.
So now what do I do?? Well I take this as a lesson and make the next time better. This was probably the best trip I have ever taken! Why you ask?? Well I got a chance to sit with the top people in our company and then I got to learn from those same great people. See I have always believed that if you want to be the best you need to do what the best do. I didn't know what they were doing, now I do! I sat there quietly, watched and listened as they told what they were doing. I took notes, I got every hand out, I talked to them privately every chance I got about things that I had questions about.
Do I feel like my trip to Texas was worth it?? Yes it was worth more then I spent and then some!! I got to meet Robert Hudgens, who in my opinion is a great leader and will be around along time. I met Charlene Bucher who is trying to make her Texas team a superstar team and I promise you, she will succeed. I meant Aaron Mathis & his wife who both are great people and impressed me. I crossed paths with Jason Diebold, AKA Puckhead and I met someone who is a genuine leader and who is now someone I look up to! I meant many other leaders in the Texas group and I know some great things are going to happen south of the Mason Dixon line!!
One of the people that impressed me the most was Chris Simonian, the former president of MDB and a very knowledgeable person. Before I went to Texas I didn't know much about Chris, But now that I have met him, I realize he is one of the best minds in our industry. I could spend hours listening to him speak. See he knows this business and his views are amazing. He changed how I look at Team Beachbody and how I will build my business. I will post more on this later, watch for it!!
I also got to meet the one and only Barbie and all I can say is WOW! See Barbie is my coach and I am very impressed with her. I was before but now I understand her better and I see that she is really someone who coaches from the heart. She believes in her customers and her coaches. She has a power within her that will cause anyone to get excited about fitness and Team Beachbody. She is destined to be great and she is on the way! All I can say is she had me from Hello!!
Well there you have it, my confession and my tale of a day in Texas. I have been in this type of business before and had a lot of success as well as having a couple other businesses in other industries and having success with those also. I thought I had it down and it wouldn't happen to me. I was dead wrong and I am man enough to say it. The moral to the story is that I am also smart enough to learn from my mistakes and make the most of what I was dealt!! Well last weekend in Dallas Texas I thought I got dealt a losing had, but before I knew it I had a WINNING HAND!!! Thanks to everyone in the Lone Star state for the hospitality!!

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